From time to time we search other blogs that focus on helping people save money with online shopping. We found a couple interesting sites about things that people commonly buy online and can save money.
First I saw this site that explains how to get a free cell phone deal from just about any wireless carrier. Dealing with wireless was one of the first things we did when we decided to offer online shopping discounts.
The other one I came across was about discount printer ink deals. Ink- almost everyone uses it, especially if you use a home or small office and print documents or pictures. And it can be very expensive. Most of my cartridges have cost $30+. I had a printer that cost $49, but the ink refills cost about $60 combined. I have literally bought a new printer instead of ink before. So any time you can save on that is great. They talk about online savings as well as the best stores t go for refills and replacements.
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